
Instant Pot IP-DUO60 Recipes: Papaya white fungus soup

DATA FROM: http://en.huarenstore.com/blogging/?p=571

We have a couple of ‘white foods’ in this dessert – the white fungus (snow ear fungus), the Chinese south and north almonds, which according to Chinese herbalists, are good for nourishing our respiratory systems and lungs. Having downed a bowl of this, my dry throat soothed a bit yet not sure how much the collagen content from the white fungus had improved my skin complexion (because some call it poor man’s bird nest).  Today, we use INSTANT POT IP-DUO60 7-IN-1 to make White Fungus Sweet Soup with Papaya, this sweet soup is easy, let's begin.
dried white fungus 30g, 1/2 small papaya 100g, 1 tbsp north almond, aka bitter almonds, 30g rock sugar or raw rock sugar, 1 cups water
1. Soak snow ear fungus in water for half to an hour or until it softened and roughly doubled in size. Discard water. Trim the firm part from its bottom. Tear or cut the fungus into smaller pieces resembling petals. Wash them in a colander under running to remove any dirt. Drain dry.
2. Wash almonds, soak them in water for about 15 minutes. Discard water.
3. Put white fungus, almonds, Papaya, and water in Instant Pot IP-DUO60 7-in-1.
4. The papaya peeled and diced, put it in Instant Pot IP-DUO60 .
5. Select "Soup" function key or timed 30 minutes, the end of cooking, open the lid, add sugar and enjoy the soup.
See more instant pot recipes, visit: http://en.huarenstore.com/blogging/?cat=181

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